CHAPTER FOUR; Researcher’s Intervention and Post – Intervention
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They were no longer interested in the class. Some even dodged the lesson on the second and the third times to avoid threat of punishment of all kinds accept beating to learn the pronunciation of words which did not appeal to them in any way.

Nevertheless, the class teacher would be applauded (praised) for his punctuality. He always wants to teach the pupils and has the desire to make pupils know the thing at all cost. He also treated the key words with only a few lapses.

On the parts of the pupils, they were not dodging the lessons due to the teacher’s use of cane but refusing to learn at all in the house on the assertion that they were always engaged in the house.

The glooming and the Morse – looking mood of the teacher during the lesson was also a contributory factor.

With the above shortcomings, the reading aloud lesson ends unsuccessfully with the pupils not learning how to pronounce any word correctly. This was reflected in the post – reading stage. When the teacher asked simple questions and pupils were not able to answer, moved the researcher to organize another lesson to address the problem.


Researcher’s Intervention

Intervention is a series of concrete approaches or methods put in place to solve a specific problem. The poor performances of the pupils during the reading aloud lesson had compelled the researcher to conduct interventional activities on the effective way of teaching reading aloud and ways of improving upon it. In rectifying the problem, the writer prepared a detailed lesson note and taught on reading aloud.

In the demonstrated lesson, the researcher resorted to the use of demonstration, word cards, pictures, examples etc. To explained meaning of vocabularies. Equally, the researcher made a significant use of flash cards; continuous drill and word attach skills to teach correct pronunciation.

The writer followed this with a model reading for three times. This made the pupils realized how the passage flows.

The writer laid enough emphasis on the punctuation, intonation and all that there may be. The pupils were then invited to read aloud in turns as the rest listened, looked on in their books and waited for their turn.

The researcher followed these by reinforcing the drilling of other words that had been revised at all the first stage. Plan for the demonstrated lesson on the teaching aloud can be found in appendix 7.

The writer also took it upon himself to visit pupils home to educate their parents on the need to supervise their wards to learn after school. Parents were also impressed upon the need to buy their wards reading and other was challenged to develop a good school community relationship.

Post – Intervention

The researcher at this stage evaluated the outcome of the action taken during the intervention. In fact, to evaluate the impact the lesson had on the pupils, the researcher use test and observation. The researcher also checked whether the objectives of the intervention had been achieved. The following were things the writer observed.

  • Can they pronounce the new words?
  • Can they read the passage treated?
  • Comparing this lesson with the previous one taught by the class teacher, which one did the pupils involve themselves in more or participated more effectively.

All the answers to the above questions were positive. It was very encouraging to realize that, the pupils were all reading the passage with much vigor. It was incredible to see pupils responding to the questions positively. What a splendid performance. The pupils got almost all the questions correctly and it was very amazing to watch these pupils using the words when they went out.

The researcher also visited the pupils’ homes after school and was very amazed to see pupils either in groups or as individuals learning. This really calls for celebration.




This chapter presents the information gathered after the application of the various data collection instruments. Various instruments were used to gather information from different respondents. These respondents includes; pupils, parents and a teacher. This chapter deals with the responses from the various respondents in relation to the topic under study.

Pupil’s responses to the interview. It seeks to know what actually is causing the problem of their inability to pronounce or read after their teachers’ lesson.

Table 1:           The Extent to Which the Class Teacher Uses Teaching and Learning Materials

How often does your teacher use teaching and learning materials (pictures, word card / flash)?

Yes 2 20
No 8 80
TOTAL 10 100


The responses given by the pupils in the table above indicate that, their teacher did not use teaching aids during reading lessons as expected. The teaching aids enable pupils to improve upon their performances. Therefore, the teacher’s inability to use teaching aids during his lesson can be said to be one of the causes of the pupil’s poor performances in reading.

Table 2:           The Ability of Pupils to Pronounce New Words after the Class Teacher’s Lessons

Are you able to pronounce the key words on your own after the class teacher has finished teaching?

Yes 2 20
No 8 80
TOTAL 10 100


The result from the table above shows that almost all the pupils could not read or pronounce a word after the class teacher’s lesson. This implies that the teacher did not take his time to treat the correct pronunciation of new words. Therefore, there is the need for pronunciation of the words to be taught well through the use of continues drill and word attack skills.

Table 3:           The Interest of Pupils in the Class Teacher’s Reading Lessons

Do you enjoy your class teacher’s reading lessons?

Yes 1 10
No 9 90
TOTAL 10 100

From the table above 90% of pupils against 10% did not find pleasure in the reading aloud lesson. This implies that, the continuous use of the can by the teacher to drill pupils to pronounce or read words is not the best but rather making lesson so boring. This often causes pupils to dodge his lesson. In order to make the lesson more interesting for pupils, there should always be concrete materials. There should always be a conducive classroom atmosphere to encourage every child to participate effectively.

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